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A Q+A with Miss Chattanooga 2024 Kaylyn Levoy

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A Q+A with Miss Chattanooga 2024 Kaylyn Levoy

Chattanooga city dwellers have a new reason to cheer. We recently had a fascinating conversation with the stunning Kaylyn Levoy, the reigning Miss Chattanooga, 2024. A local girl and a student at Southern Adventist University studying business marketing, Kaylyn opened up about her journey into pageantry, her partnership with the Chattanooga Autism Center, and her preparation to compete for the Miss Tennessee title.

From Modelling to Pageantry

Kaylyn’s foray into the world of pageantry began when she was modelling for a rebranding shoot by Madewell and Love, Eros. It was there that she met Claire Portilla, the Miss Tennessee 2023, and ensuing conversations led to Claire suggesting Kaylyn as a prospective candidate for the title of Miss Chattanooga.

The Selection Process

Interested in representing her beloved city, Kaylyn aced interview-based application process overseen by a Tennessee director. After her selection, she took to community service and participation in local events, warming herself up for the bigger challenge as Miss Tennessee.

The Nonprofit Connection

As part of her journey, Kaylyn has chosen to represent the Chattanooga Autism Center. This nonprofit’s mission aligns closely with her personal experiences, as Autism had played a significant role in her life growing up.

Excitement and Tasks Ahead

Kaylyn expressed excitement about her forthcoming stint at the state competition, set to take place later this month. The event, she explained, includes multiple elements like the swimsuit, opening number, evening gown walks, and interviews, along with the people’s choice where community members and family can vote.

An Eventful Journey

Pageantry was uncharted territory for Kaylyn, but she has embraced the common misconceptions about the venture. She mentions that despite the outward appearance of glamour and fame, pageantry requires a hefty amount of preparation and work. This newfound role, combined with her full-time student duties, has been a challenging yet rewarding experience for her.

Following Miss Chattanooga’s Journey

She encourages her supporters to follow her journey through her Instagram and Facebook accounts where she frequently updates about her pageant endeavors. She also urged spectators to follow the Chattanooga Autism Center’s Instagram, particularly for the Autism Walk event scheduled for Saturday, April 13. Kaylyn will help commence the walk and has invited friends, supporters, and well-wishers to join her team.

A Challenging Yet Rewarding Path

Expressing her gratitude, Kaylyn said pageantry has been an enlightening experience that has helped her grow and has opened up opportunities she never expected. She thanked everyone who lent her their support, citing their kindness and encouragement in her amateur pageant career. Kaylyn closed on a strong note of faith, crediting her journey and the guidance of her decisions to God, who has opened many doors for her.

You can continue to follow Kaylyn’s journey here with updates from the HERE News Network as we continue to bring you news from Chattanooga and around the state.

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