The Chattanooga Whiskey Company, based in Chattanooga, Tennessee, produces bourbon whiskey and “Tennessee High Malt” bourbon whiskey. Tim Piersant and Joe Ledbetter created the company. In April 2012, the 1816 brand was introduced, and the company revealed its aim to assist modify local distilling rules at the same time. The product’s first debut was received with significant controversy, mostly because of where it was created (contract manufactured at MGP/LDI of Indiana), however at the time, Hamilton County regulations forbade the manufacture of “intoxicating liquors.” Local public knowledge finally helped galvanize support for repealing Prohibition-era distillation prohibitions.
In March 2015, the firm opened Chattanooga’s first licensed distillery since Prohibition ended. In August 2017, the first experimental whiskey, “Batch 001: Tennessee High Malt,” was released.
On Chattanooga’s waterfront, the company’s production facility and headquarters engage in larger-scale manufacture of certain recipes developed at the experimental facility. Chattanooga Whiskey began production in 2017 and has grown to become one of Tennessee’s leading craft whiskey makers.