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Secure and Empower: Chattanooga-based PlayCore Trains and Employs UTC Cybersecurity Students

Chattanooga cybersecurity training collaboration

Secure and Empower: Chattanooga-based PlayCore Trains and Employs UTC Cybersecurity Students

In an exemplary show of collaboration between higher education and industry, PlayCore, a Chattanooga-based firm, has integrated training and employed students from the cybersecurity curriculum at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC).

From Social Work to Cyberspace

Mischka Scott, a recent UTC graduate, has successfully transitioned from a career in social work to information technology (IT) and is now a system administrator at PlayCore, illustrating the practical impact of this partnership. Scott’s professional transformation followed her graduation from UTC’s accelerated cybersecurity program in December 2023, which was promptly followed by her full-time hiring at PlayCore.

A Model Partnership

The creation of this vital pathway from school to work was made possible through PlayCore and UTC’s collaborative efforts. Serving local businesses like PlayCore, UTC’s Bachelor of Applied Science – Information Technology – Cybersecurity (BAS-IT CyS) degree program allows students to attend early-day classes and then dedicate their afternoons to hands-on work experiences.

“We weren’t sure if we could dedicate the time to train someone effectively but quickly realized the value and benefits the students brought to our team,” expressed Adam Dyer, enterprise infrastructure manager at PlayCore.

Shared Growth and Progress

According to Anne-Marie Spencer, Corporate Vice President of Marketing at PlayCore, the initiative aligns with both organizations’ missions — PlayCore’s vision to foster healthy communities and UTC’s goal to provide real-world experience to its learners. She states, “Chattanooga is a special city for our corporate headquarters with its growing talent pool, vibrant outdoor culture, and commitment to being a city in a park.”

Chattanooga’s Thriving Tech Scene

Renowned as one of the top U.S. cities for recent college graduates to kickstart their careers (as per LinkedIn), Chattanooga has fostered a fertile ground for talent and innovation through such collaborative endeavors.

Austin Corcoran, the executive director of ChaTech, a nonprofit organization supporting Chattanooga’s tech economy, voiced his admiration for UTC’s integrated learning approach. He contends, “What UTC has done here is not just create a degree, they’ve created a pathway. By integrating a paid internship and focusing on applied learning, they’re ensuring students aren’t just ready to graduate—they’re ready to work.”

Looking Ahead

Empowered by the success stories of learners like Scott and the positive results observed by firms like PlayCore, UTC is gearing up for its next class for the BAS-IT CyS program.

With a practical, integrative approach to education, UTC’s accelerated cybersecurity program truly exemplifies education of the future. These real-world business-education partnerships not only pave the way for fresh perspectives and solutions but also help build a strong and sustainable local talent pipeline.

Source: HERE News Network

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