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Local Organizations Host Red Sand Project in Chattanooga

"Red sand art installation"

Local Organizations Host Red Sand Project in Chattanooga

Chattanooga, Tenn. – Community efforts were in full swing on Thursday as local groups joined hands to participate in the Red Sand Project. This initiative aimed to bring awareness to human trafficking, an urgent and growing issue.

Community Collaboration

Key organizations, including the Hamilton County Health Department, WillowBend Farms, and Vision Hospitality Group, have been the driving forces behind the Red Sand Project in Chattanooga for over three years. CEO of WillowBend Farms, Sarah McKinnis, emphasized the commitment to ending modern slavery and exploitation.

“We partnered with the Tennessee Department of Health to bring awareness to human trafficking across Tennessee,” McKinnis said. “We partnered with Hamilton County and Chattanooga health department to bring awareness here to Chattanooga.”

Symbolizing the Issue

The event saw individuals receiving red sand, which they poured into the cracks of sidewalks, symbolizing victims who have fallen through society’s gaps. Inza Haginas-Dyer from Love’s Arm Outreach explained the local significance:

“Yesterday was the world celebration for survivors of trafficking. This brings it home to our community, sending a message to those affected that we see them, hear them, and there are people who love and care about them.”

A Nationwide Concern

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation highlights human trafficking as one of the fastest-growing crimes in the nation. Vision Hospitality Group’s Janelle Hawkins discussed their ongoing commitment:

“The hotel industry is putting forth a huge commitment. We’ve been working towards training, and we plan to continue this effort. Now, we’re focusing on how we can provide gainful employment and financial freedom to survivors.”

The efforts from these organizations are crucial in waking up the community to the real and urgent issues of human trafficking and offering a possibility for change and recovery to survivors.

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