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Exciting Advancements in Heart Health Technology Transform Lives in Chattanooga

Heart Health Innovations

Exciting Advancements in Heart Health Technology in Chattanooga

Chattanooga residents are buzzing with positivity after witnessing a remarkable leap in heart health technology. A local man, Ben Cairns, recently shared his inspiring journey with a new kind of pacemaker that has significantly changed his life!

The Challenge

Before receiving this state-of-the-art device, Ben faced numerous hurdles due to his slow heart rate. For the past seven years, he noticed his heartbeat dropping to the 30s on certain nights, which left him feeling unwell, especially in the mornings. As a director at the Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce, Ben was all too familiar with exhaustion but had to push through it. “I would tire easily, and even exercise wouldn’t pick up my heart rate,” he shared during a recent phone interview.

Introducing the Solution

Thankfully, intervention came in the form of Dr. Harish Manyam, the chief of cardiology at Erlanger Hospital. Ben described Dr. Manyam as “brilliant” with an engaging personality. “He truly listens and explains everything,” Cairns noted. After monitoring Ben’s heart rate, Dr. Manyam recommended a new type of pacemaker—an atrial leadless pacemaker.

This innovative device, unlike traditional ones, doesn’t require wires that travel through the veins. Instead, it’s a battery-powered, cylindrical implant that helps stabilize heart rhythms, allowing patients like Ben to reclaim their quality of life.

A Leap of Faith

Ben was initially apprehensive about the surgery, but his family history of heart conditions (his father also had a pacemaker) gave him reason to act. After doing extensive research, he learned about the potential risks associated with traditional pacemakers, like infections and wiring complications. When Dr. Manyam informed him that atrial leadless pacemakers were finally approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Ben jumped at the chance. Though he had to wait a bit longer, he knew it would be worth it.

The Transformation

Fast forward to when Ben finally received the device in April. The results have been nothing short of miraculous! “It has improved my energy levels and overall quality of life significantly,” he beamed. Ben can now walk further distances without getting lightheaded, and his morning fatigue has all but vanished. “It feels great to breathe with ease again!” he exclaimed.

Understanding the Technology

Dr. Manyam was excited about the potential of the atrial leadless pacemaker technology and how it differs from traditional options. “Using wires for pacemakers can cause breakages and even infections. With this new design, the device does not touch the bloodstream, reducing risks significantly,” he explained.

Manyam further elaborated that traditional leads can break under the stress of heart contractions, which can necessitate risky extraction procedures. The innovative leadless solution aims to prevent those complications, providing both patients and doctors with peace of mind. “This new technology gives us additional tools to help our patients,” Dr. Manyam added.

Looking Ahead

Though not suitable for every patient, the leadless pacemaker represents a big step forward for many. “My experience has been perfect,” Ben stated, feeling truly grateful for not only the medical advancements but also the exceptional care he received from Dr. Manyam.

As Chattanooga moves forward, this leap in heart health technology exemplifies how local healthcare continues to innovate and adapt, improving the lives of residents one device at a time.

For those who might be in a similar situation, Ben’s story serves as a message of hope: Don’t hesitate to seek solutions and discuss options with your physician, especially if your heart just isn’t keeping up!

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