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Fighting Homelessness and Dispelling Myths with Help Right Here: A Closer Look

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Fighting Homelessness and Dispelling Myths with Help Right Here: A Closer Look

The crusade against homelessness

Chattanooga community has witnessed the remarkable work of a local non-profit, Help Right Here, dedicated to solving homelessness and debunking misconceptions related to the homeless population. Founded by two former educators and inspired by innovative solutions in Seattle, Help Right Here has been consistently making strides towards providing shelter and post-housing support.

A deeper understanding about homelessness

Debunking the common myth, Help Right Here emphasizes that homelessness is less about poor decisions, rather it arises due to unfavorable circumstances and absence of sufficient social and familial support. Triggers like sudden medical conditions can lead to unforeseen financial constraints pushing individuals into homelessness. Terminal issues like having a criminal record or lack of resources further deter their chances of finding employment, accentuating their struggle.

Help Right Here: fighting homelessness uniquely

Help Right Here’s journey began in 2019 when two former educators Niki Keck and Ann-Marie Fitzsimmons, after producing a documentary on homelessness, pushed towards making a real-world impact. They visited Seattle in 2021 and were inspired by the city’s “sanctioned encampments, transitional villages and permanent supportive housing” approach. They brought the concept back to Chattanooga and started managing a similar camp at 12th and Peeples Street.

A shift towards post-housing support

With the successful rehousing of most residents of the 12th and Peeples Street camp, Help Right Here’s focus has now broadened to providing post-housing support. Mostly, homeless individuals lack a supportive network, which leads to their struggle remaining afloat when situations turn challenging. Hence, this organization has taken up the mantle to serve as the missing family, following them through the cracks and guiding them back to stability.

Busting misconceptions about homelessness

An enduring misconception about homelessness is the stereotyping homeless people as lazy. Help Right Here strongly rebuts this notion and underlines their survival instincts, resourcefulness, and efforts. They aspire to remind society that homeless individuals are just like anyone else with similar needs, desires and most importantly, they too have human rights.

Supporting the work of Help Right Here

For those keen to support the initiative of Help Right Here, they can visit their official website or find them on Facebook. Donations, volunteering or simply spreading awareness about this organization can make a big difference in their mission of battling homelessness and rebutting associated misconceptions. The fight against homelessness is a gargantuan task, one that needs collective efforts of the community for a sustained and resolute approach.

For the latest updates on this issue, stay tuned to HERE News Network. This news article is brought to you by HERE News.

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