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Opinion: Crash of military plane 80 years ago

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Opinion: Crash of military plane 80 years ago

Military Plane Crash Reverberated Around the World

At a glance, the Chattanooga Municipal Airport appears as another busy center of air travel, full of travelers busily walking towards their destinations. However, the airport carries a haunting reminder from 80 years ago— the memory of a tragic plane crash that was heard around the world.

On this fateful day, a Beechcraft UC-45B Expeditor, a twin-engine military plane, attempted to reach the airport. Probably lost in the visibility of a violent thunderstorm, it crashed near the then Bonny Oaks Industrial School. This site today is where the Bonny Oaks Industrial Park sits. The crash resulted in the unfortunate loss of six lives, inclusive of a major general.

The Crash That Shook Not Just Chattanooga, but the World

The crash’s echoes were not confined to the geographical boundaries of Chattanooga. News about the crash quickly made rounds around the globe, resonating with the dread that had already spread due to the prevailing World War II.

People from around the world followed the news with keen interest, shared their condolences, and mourned the loss. This crash brought the war closer to the people of Chattanooga who up until that point were experiencing the war’s effects from afar.

Preserving History and Honoring Fallen Heroes

While the incident is a tragic mark in the city’s history, understanding and acknowledging it is necessary. This crash’s 80th anniversary is not just a somber reminder of lives lost in service to the country—it’s also a historical event that significantly affected the local and global community.

Remembering the event invites reflection on how the world’s conflicts can hit close to home, even if the front lines seem distant. It offers an opportunity to honor those who lost their lives and inspires learning from a historical event still very much a part of Chattanooga’s essence.


Eighty years later, the crash’s impact is still palpable in the community, symbolizing the brave souls who lost their lives that day. Where now stands the bustling Bonny Oaks Industrial Park, once lay condolences, grief, and a haunting collective memory of an event whose echoes were heard around the world.

This tragic episode is an integral part of the city’s past, reminding future generations of the sacrifices made in the line of duty. The ultimate tribute to these fallen heroes is to remember them and ensure their stories continue to be told—so that people are aware of the events that played a monumental role in shaping the historical fabric of Chattanooga and the world.

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