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Tourism spending in Tennessee soars, boosting tax savings for residents

Tennessee tourism tax benefits.

Tourism spending in Tennessee soars, boosting tax savings for residents

Major Boost in Tourism Revenue Sparks Positive Economic Impact for Residents

Tennessee, an iconic tourism hub, is experiencing a remarkable surge in tourism spending, ameliorating the post-pandemic blow and offering significant tax savings to its residents and boosting the economy.

The Great Outdoors: A Major Factor

According to Mark Ezell, Tennessee Department of Tourist Development Commissioner, the state’s robust outdoor attractions played a compelling role in attracting tourists, consequently lifting tourism spending by over 6 percent from 2022 to 2023. “This combination of what the pandemic did in exposing Tennessee’s great outdoor assets caused us to have a big lift, and we’ve been staying there ever since,” mentions Ezell.

As a result, Tennessee ranked as the fifth most beneficial state in America from visitor taxes. Interestingly, this increase in tourism revenue led to state residents saving more than $1,100 in taxes each year. Redolent with unbeatable scenic beauty, Tennessee came out as one of the favorite spots for those seeking the bliss of the outdoor life after the restrictions were eased.

Chattanooga: Laying the Foundation for a Green City

Chattanooga, with its distinct charm of urban life amidst a lush, natural landscape, is taking confident strides towards becoming America’s first national park city by 2025. Earlier this month, Tim Kelly, the city’s Mayor, signed a pact to establish the Urban Ecology Preserve along the South Chickamauga creek. “They kind of really set their eyes on Chattanooga, because when you look around, we’re surrounded by natural beauty and plenty of history,” said Chattanooga outdoor enthusiast, Brian Smith.

A Record High for Tennessee Tourism

The Department of Tourist Development recorded that Tennessee alighted to a notable $144 million in visitor spending in 2023, marking an increase from $3 million the previous year. The unveiling of the full 2023 economic impact on travel report, including individual county data, is eagerly awaited next month.

Today, the tourism industry remains one of the major driving forces for Tennessee’s thriving economy, particularly post-pandemic. The state’s ability to bounce back, leveraging its natural beauty and outdoor assets, has proven beneficial for not just the economy but also for Tennessee’s residents who enjoy substantial tax savings.

With unmatched scenic beauty and rich history, it’s clear why Tennessee continues to be a beloved destination, confirming what Commissioner Ezell concluded: “A lot of people are making Tennessee part of their return visit.”

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