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Chattanooga-based insurer Unum Ventures into Pet Protection Insurance

Dog receiving medical treatment.

Chattanooga-based insurer Unum Ventures into Pet Protection Insurance

Expanding The Scope of Coverage

Unum, a leading provider of disability and life insurance, based in Chattanooga, has extended its products to include pet protection. As one of the foremost insurance companies in the nation, this strategic move is expected to fulfill the growing demands of policy holders who value comprehensive insurance packages that cater to the health and wellbeing of their pets.

“An increasing number of people are now expecting pets to be a part of their benefit package, and we felt that it’s a good time for us to tap into this potential market,” Tim Vita, vice president of voluntary benefits for Unum, commented.

Inclusive Pet Protection

The newly launched insurance will be applicable not only to the common household pets like dogs and cats, but it also covers a wide range of other animals. Some animals covered under Unum’s pet protection include rabbits, goats, hamsters, and parakeets. Interestingly, they have extended their coverage to even more exotic species such as snakes, potbellied pigs, toucans, sugar gliders, and water dragons.

Comprehensive Coverage

Unum’s pet protection insurance is designed to provide comprehensive coverage that can range from preventative care to end-of-life insurance packages. “We undertook a test of pet protection last year, and the response we got led us to believe that it’s a potential market worth exploring,” Vita stated.

He also emphasized that catering to the animal health market is a unique way for Unum to diversify, as it allows the company a chance to provide benefit packages that resonate more with the current expectations of policyholders.

This new area of business is seen as an innovative solution that responds to the evolving needs of clients who are continually looking for more holistic coverage. Tim Vita said, “Our focus on pet protection is a reflection of our commitment to providing customer-centric coverage options.”

Company Background

Unum, a company renowned for its prowess in offering comprehensive disability and life insurance, is marking a significant milestone in its 175 years of existence with this move to pet protection insurance.

Bolstered by a strong record of delivering on its promises, Unum has continuously redefined the boundaries of coverage, consistently finding new aspects of life that require insurance. Unum’s foray into pet protection continues its trend of expanding its reach into customer needs and interests.

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